on truth as freedom

i have this anxiety about taking sick time at work after my boss and i had a long talk about taking breaks from work.

i’d been hiding the fact that i was missing work on Monday because i was seeing my dentist in the BAY friken Area.

after feeling incredible guilt about hiding that fact, i blurted out this dentist stuff to him in the hallway and he just laughed and he said “it’s sick time”. maybe he is more empathetic and relatable than i had once thought.


wrapping up the school year

God, this wraps up the end of semester 1 of the school year. This is the first time in 4 years that I can write that without referring to being a student in school, but instead giving back as a facilitator. I had a great time working with a smaller group of students after school today.  A group of seniors volunteered to meet after class and I was honored that they stayed through the survey design portion. They are more open with me and vice versa. I can see how much they desire relationship- loving the ice breaker questions (if you had free roundtrip tickets, where would you go and why? thanks nathan babe-a-licious) and even initiating new questions (what’s the wildest thing you’ve ever done? what wild thing would you like to do? a high school student thought of that and the group loved it.. bc they are.. teenagers haha).

Another girl shared about experiencing domestic violence in her youth. That makes a total of three girls in my class who experienced brokenness like that in their childhood.

A praise I have is being able to come up with fun games accumulated from my years of youth group retreats and dabbling in theatre groups. 

I think that something cool about being INFP is that I have a swampy lake full of random things I enjoy that I can draw from to share with others if I take the time to search through the swamp world of memories. 

I’m one hundred percent feeling alive in this moment and sure this is where God is leading me. My job might not be the flashiest, or the most lucrative, or even able to be articulated clearly, but I love what I do.

And I think I can even say that I’m getting better at it day by day. 


for dinner today, i stuffed my face with every edible thing lying around the kitchen:

a vegetable platter with ranch dressing

dried pineapple

tortilla chips

tiff’s leftover chicken and bell peppers

pork and mushrooms


black grapes

grapes plus cheese

i felt like a monster

and i’m so thankful for knowing the feeling of being full. 


Surrounded and steeped in darkness- actively  waiting and yearning for the coming of a new hope

to right every wrong

heal every state of brokenness 

and to make all things new. 

May we in this season yearn for the the restoration of the world through Christ and actively seek to take part in that fulfillment. Amen.