a sweet weekend

above is a photo of people from the first life group at epicentre. below is my former roommate and two other former roommates and we went through a book together called soul feast. it felt like a sacred time together.

once when i was driving to a church community group in oakland, feeling discouraged and disconnected- i got this reminder from God that over the course of 5 years, He built up a solid spiritual community for me and sense of belonging in LA and that He could and would do it again in the east bay.

so here’s to being open to a new kind of building up in the east bay.

God let my posture be an open and active one and not a pessimistic and passive one. thanks nathan for being with me in the lows. Let me receive the return to the east bay as the gift that it is.


who are you when your context changes?

so much of my identity had been held and shared amongst friends, acquaintances, familiar people, and who am I when I don’t exist around them?

Part of the thrill of being in LA was the thrill of being submersed in a place that involved discovery and being confronted with people and places I didn’t grow up around. I think it satisfied my thirst to be exposed to new ideas and perspectives, to be bombarded with a wild clash of cultures. every kind of culture and ethnicity has a home in LA. Who am I when I am not so easily able to satisfy my need for discovery?

Who am I when I’m just living a 9 to 5 job, going through the motions of work and church, but not living with others for a larger mission and vision?

I am both restless and resigned.

and I feel frustrated because I don’t know what the problem is or why.