complaining to release feelings

it’s 6:44pm. i’m sitting outside our condo in the dark on my laptop writing because inside our unit is a flume of dust and chemical smells trapped within 500 square feet, things that my brother in law is immune to.

a bunch of fresh groceries stowed away to be cooked, cookies for my coworkers waiting to be baked. a couch with a fleece blanket now covered in dust– all left for a later use. i’m hungry, tired from work, emotionally exhausted.

the domestic hallmark feel good plan derailed again and again. 6 months of living without predictability or stability can really bring me to ruin–and it can ruin any marriage, i promise you this.

to the girls who fawn over nate’s instagram posts about how great our place looks and how jealous they are, you ladies have no idea the cost.



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