
work is stressful. trying to prep for two weeks off by doing as much as i can now.

life is stressful. going to irvine for wedding this weekend. will have a blast socializing nearly 100% of the time.

other stuff other people.

all bananas

everything bananas

as a wedding approaches in less than two weeks

which happens to be my own.

God, give me grace and deep breathes of calm.

crazy rich asians (2018)


YESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YESSSSSSSSS!!!!! The last film I saw that had anĀ  Asian American cast and was directed by Asian Americans was Better Luck Tomorrow (2002). 16 years later, and here we go again at last!! It feels great to know that films portraying people who look like you in positive ways are getting hype. This is what empowerment through representation feels like.

I hope everyone can experience that feeling!

Side note- my coworker who was born and raised in Singapore as a minority was initially hesitant about seeing the film because of casting choices in purposefully seeking out actors with British accents (rather than Singaporean accents) and she influenced my perspective that I later told Nathan about, comparing it to the whitewashing of Hollywood films to appeal to a Western taste. Though I’m still stoked to see Crazy Rich Asians and even read the book, I appreciate her for giving me that critical lens of asking who is missing from the table and question that.

Today she came into the office and told me that despite her reservations, my perspective (first paragraph) had influenced her and she had a blast watching the film last night. She did note that the only Indian cast members were depicted as security guards, but she still had a blast. I appreciated her putting aside her critical lens to enjoy the film for a step forward in Asian American representation.

I thought of this whole idea of converting people to your opinion by proving your point as if you and the other are at opposition. I think that is perpetuated in our modern day political climate. I think it might work, but it just makes people annoyed at each other. The whole exchange with my coworker felt super encouraging because it was an illustration of the third way, the line of flight away from opposition towards camaraderie.




i had a revelation while reading a graphic novel written by a berkeley based 2nd generation vietnamese american. a lot of her sentiments towards her family remind me of my own.

in reading her memoir, i find the similar themes of separation between family members, not speaking of the past, 2nd generation guilt of growing up in the states without knowing the struggle of war/post-war times, and loss.

it finally occurred to me that the weird family dynamics in my family in terms of communication, love and affection between my grandparents and parents generation and my grandparents sometimes intense and stinging words might come from a place of trauma. trauma that they haven’t known how to deal with besides praying to the ancestors and gods.